150 tactics to acquire, activate, and convert customers
By Sujan Patel & Josh Fechter
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Sujan Patel Sujan is the author of 100 Days of Growth, a growth hacking book that sold over 40,000 copies and the co-founder of Growth marketing agency, Web Profits. In his 13 years in marketing he’s led the digital marketing strategy for companies like Sales Force, Mint, Intuit and many other Fortune 500 caliber companies. Sujan’s goal is to help entrepreneurs and marketers scale their businesses.
Josh Fechter Josh has led growth at over eight tech startups including GrowthX Academy and 22Social. He runs the largest growth marketing community. His work has received over five million views in the last year and featured in publications including Inc. Magazine and Entrepreneur.
Sujan has a mind for marketing - from Growth Hacking to Branding and from SEO to Distribution - that is absolutely unparalleled.
Sujan helped me discover game-changing techniques that I never would have found myself, and which I now apply to my work almost daily
Josh Fechter must be putting out the best content in the growth hacking space on Facebook that I know of.
Josh's guide took my marketing skills to the next level. By far the best strategies I've found.